Overview of coffee production under the impact of climate change in Dak Lak province
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Overview of coffee production under the impact of climate change in Dak Lak province
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Many studies have shown that coffee being grown in large areas has affected the environment such as: forest configuration from multi-layer reduced to 1-2 layers, water sources depleted, household capacity, processing large soil erosion... In fact, large-scale monoculture of coffee trees has reduced water sources for living and production in the Central Highlands in general and in Dak Lak province in particular. In addition, the impact of climate change on coffee production is becoming more and more apparent with increased input costs and water demand and reduced productivity. At this time, applying the agroforestry and smart coffee production model is a type of production that is considered to have outstanding advantages, such as creating a reasonable shade cover for coffee and maintaining good soil moisture; furthermore, the amount of irrigation water can be reduced, increase income and employment for farmers; last but not least, limiting the risks of land and water resource degradation as well as increasing the ability to adapt and withstand climate change. However, the effectiveness of the model will increase if it is combined with forest restoration activities in the original, neighboring areas and even in coffee growing areas by supplementing forest trees, fruit trees and perennials. This can only be achieved by implementing a series of synchronous solutions in terms of policies and state support in the early stages of development, developing infrastructure and facilities for production, engineering, applying modern science and technology, capital, and integrated pest management.
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